aMule for Mac, the best Peer?
aMule, a sweet name that means "all platform Mule." A mule for all platforms. This software is actually open source version of eMule well known, offering the possibility to connect to the eDonkey and Kademlia networks.
A complete port of eMule client on Mac
aMule is Open Source, a guarantee of quality synonymous debugs frequent, free and regular monitoring of developments (with updates in the wake).
aMule is a complete port of eMule, which ensures seamless compatibility with networks eDonkey and the same functionality as the original client: simple search and numerous results, functionally equivalent, download statistics, etc..
The software interface is clear, thoughtful and classic options. The black spot is actually in the management of downloads. Sure, aMule is simple to learn, but how slowly!
How does it work?
You should know that the download system gives priority to those who share the most. This is good! But if you have nothing to share for starters, we are left with a loading rate of less miserable hack into the intricacies of the configuration to deceive the default settings ... The other concern is aMule, somehow, already belongs to the past download. Fashion is now torrent and flexibility exchanges ...
aMule is a client peer-to-peer reserved for irreducible eDonkey seeking an alternative to the official client, more reliable than eMule mods unrecognized and strongly discouraged the type eMule Pro Ultra 2 ... Choose one of the other many torrent clients ...
Recent Changes
Compatible with Snow Leopard
Complete list of improvements here
Easy to reach
Click Below For Download aMule
aMule, a sweet name that means "all platform Mule." A mule for all platforms. This software is actually open source version of eMule well known, offering the possibility to connect to the eDonkey and Kademlia networks.
A complete port of eMule client on Mac
aMule is Open Source, a guarantee of quality synonymous debugs frequent, free and regular monitoring of developments (with updates in the wake).
aMule is a complete port of eMule, which ensures seamless compatibility with networks eDonkey and the same functionality as the original client: simple search and numerous results, functionally equivalent, download statistics, etc..
The software interface is clear, thoughtful and classic options. The black spot is actually in the management of downloads. Sure, aMule is simple to learn, but how slowly!
How does it work?
You should know that the download system gives priority to those who share the most. This is good! But if you have nothing to share for starters, we are left with a loading rate of less miserable hack into the intricacies of the configuration to deceive the default settings ... The other concern is aMule, somehow, already belongs to the past download. Fashion is now torrent and flexibility exchanges ...
aMule is a client peer-to-peer reserved for irreducible eDonkey seeking an alternative to the official client, more reliable than eMule mods unrecognized and strongly discouraged the type eMule Pro Ultra 2 ... Choose one of the other many torrent clients ...
Recent Changes
Compatible with Snow Leopard
Complete list of improvements here
Easy to reach
Click Below For Download aMule