New adventures for Tom the talking cat
Talking Tom Cat 2 is an entertainment application for Android. Just like the first installment of Tom talking cat, you can tease the cat by pressing the screen or you with laughter while listening to repeat sentences. Talking Tom Cat 2 is also available in full version.
This is no longer the corner found Talking Tom Cat but in his new apartment very cozy. Bad luck, his new neighbor, Ben the dog is more of a tease. He does not hesitate to put their hands in the "paw" to annoy Tom.
Another novelty is the possibility to relook Talking Tom Cat head scratch thanks to items offered. Please be aware that the costumes are exchanged against gold coins. To acquire enough, you will surely get your hands on your wallet.
Interactions with Talking Tom Cat resume the same principle as the first version of the game a pressure on the touchscreen and poor Tom the cat can quickly find themselves upside down. The cat may also repeat what he said with his funny voice guaranteed success with toddlers!
We appreciate the option of Talking Tom Cat 2 that can record a video of your favorite cat and post it on YouTube. Of course you can share it by email or by MMS.
Small boils touching of Talking Tom Cat 2 may make you smile for hours. A funny little app for the whole family!
The link to download the file installer returns to Google Play.
New interactions very funny
Always touching
Micropayment system to buy items
Click Below For Download Talking Tom Cat 2
Talking Tom Cat 2 is an entertainment application for Android. Just like the first installment of Tom talking cat, you can tease the cat by pressing the screen or you with laughter while listening to repeat sentences. Talking Tom Cat 2 is also available in full version.
This is no longer the corner found Talking Tom Cat but in his new apartment very cozy. Bad luck, his new neighbor, Ben the dog is more of a tease. He does not hesitate to put their hands in the "paw" to annoy Tom.
Another novelty is the possibility to relook Talking Tom Cat head scratch thanks to items offered. Please be aware that the costumes are exchanged against gold coins. To acquire enough, you will surely get your hands on your wallet.
Interactions with Talking Tom Cat resume the same principle as the first version of the game a pressure on the touchscreen and poor Tom the cat can quickly find themselves upside down. The cat may also repeat what he said with his funny voice guaranteed success with toddlers!
We appreciate the option of Talking Tom Cat 2 that can record a video of your favorite cat and post it on YouTube. Of course you can share it by email or by MMS.
Small boils touching of Talking Tom Cat 2 may make you smile for hours. A funny little app for the whole family!
The link to download the file installer returns to Google Play.
New interactions very funny
Always touching
Micropayment system to buy items
Click Below For Download Talking Tom Cat 2