Windows 8 (64-Bit)
Description:- What Microsoft several hundred million PC users as trusts - or expects of - is actually unusual. The familiar and skilled use of the Windows operating system is not worth much, the future is the use of desk-based computers on the mobile devices.
In the test, the new Windows 8 (W8), which Microsoft has now officially launched, a good impression, although some inconsistencies complicate the operation. Pleasingly easy to install, which should have made even inexperienced users are within 15 minutes - to the hair without plucking or contact hotline.
After installation, follow the naming and registration. Everything can be managed easily. Also previously used PC mice, steering wheels and WLAN sticks and old programs and most games run fine under Windows 8. Only the printer has not been addressed, this is a new driver software required.
After installation, everything is different than in the past: The start screen mainly consists of tiles, known from the mobile computing world. Some are large, some small, and behind them are hidden programs or apps.
Always-on apps
Some are always active, constantly inform the example about the weather, incoming e-mails or an upcoming event. Very practical: From the new Internet Explorer 10 to websites can simply drag them to the home screen and there will also be stored as a tile.
Everything seems pictorial, emotional and large format as the Textlastigkeit, tidiness and fragmentation of traditional desktops. And it looks structured and clear, at least if not hundreds of apps are loaded on your computer. Then the use of the operating system will be demanding.
The tiles can be sorted but to new groups. Useful would be a hierarchical arrangement, which is not provided. With Android and iOS this is feasible - in the form of good old folder. But it also is a way to Windows 8: With easy fingertip can zoom out from your home screen. This gives the user a good overview.
Windows 8 is designed especially for the touch-screen, which is the system to be noted clearly: no apps and mouse will fit together so well. It works, but is notchy. Perhaps the mouse is already the way of the fax machine or MP3 player and gradually disappears in the art museums. If necessary some helpful keyboard shortcuts are available with which Windows 8 does quite good control via keyboard.
Useful Keyboard Shortcuts
The combination of "Windows" and "X" for example, provides access to rarely used but useful system settings, with "Windows" and "F" you can search for files. Also, "Alt" and "F4" makes sense: Since the apps are always running in full screen and the button is missing to close, they can finish with it.
But if you want to wipe and tap rather, it can also be built into many laptops touchpad. Here About zooming in on images, and vertical and horizontal scrolling is possible.
Even Microsoft has thought of nostalgia: The office applications are as far as icons on the home screen. Furthermore, can the familiar desktop layout, for example, represent the key combination "Windows" and "D". Here, users can store as usual icons and shortcuts.
Quite so simple but it is not, as the test showed. Who, for example, from his desktop layout out in an e-mail clicks on a link lands, ends up on the home screen with the tile look. Although apps are launched in desktop mode and closed automatically appear on the tiles.
The startup screen but also has its charms. Practically, the overlay of all the programs and apps that appears top left, and allows a quick change from the software. More extensive is the Charms bar. Who's going up or down or right at the right Tablets by wiping the inside, this menu bar gets to the right edge of the display.
The functions of the Charms Bar
Four essential features, the Charms bar. Firstly, users can about it and apps within apps or files search. Second, can share about content, the connection to the cloud is anchored. These include the Microsoft services and Windows Live Skydrive, which integrates Windows 8 as a drive - as it also works with Dropbox.
Best in Windows 8 is the synchronization across all devices. So if, for example, his contacts in the address book on the desktop is changing get the news on the tablet to see if he has registered it. Is integrated with Facebook, including all news run on all devices in current release.
The same goes for e-mails, Twitter and instant messages. In addition, you can synchronize favorites and previously visited sites on the new Internet Explorer 10th Apps from Windows Store will be brought up to date.
Third, users can check on the Charms bar, which devices are connected. Giving users get with just one tap access to the external hard drive. The settings include the fourth application. Here, nearly all settings of the PC and the installed apps accessed and changed.
On some apps are native applications available, such as the music service launched just this week Xbox Music. In addition, you can load the Windows Store apps, but Windows applications. With a single click, users can choose or mop or buy them and get the free programs on the computer.
Only a few apps
Then they are shown on the home screen as a tile. The entire process runs smoothly and without delays. Some popular Daddel programs like "Cut the Rope" and applications for Wikipedia and Ebay are available, more than 100 apps are not available.
Facilities include only German-language apps. In Control Panel, however, can add English as a language, then English language applications are also available. Too many, however, should not end up on the computer, because the seemingly slim apps take plenty of storage space.
Who wants to have an overview of how much space occupies single software can about the Charms bar call the PC settings and view the program variables can. Very useful is that Windows 8, as well as Android, downloading indicating which areas will access the app. Who does not agree that a game app also reads out your own contacts, they can be as equally reject again.
The search for the apps is a good solution: Just Type, then shows a bar at the results. However drives the Microsoft App-mania in some cases too far. Quite common to mix native apps into the activities of the user. For example, when you open a photo, double-click again and inconveniently starts the corresponding W8 App. To specify the standard and easier Windows Photo Viewer as the default program for the display of images.
Faster than predecessor
Windows 8 is not only quite different from its predecessors, it's also faster. At the very least, the system comes up to three times faster than the already quite high smooth Windows 7 After a few seconds the 8 version is ready, as all states of the driver software is stored on the hard drive and can be retrieved from a fix. Also, the system will power down more quickly. According to Microsoft's Windows 8 is also in operation more quickly, in the test of programs and games, this was not noticeable. Besides, there are numerous programs are active and many browser windows open, it looks more powerful and stable than Windows 7
The media player is still tiring slowly while the rest in Internet Explorer, the new version as well as apps for contacts and Skydrive a very high pace.
Apps are not active long time, Windows 8 stops them. This saves energy and saves battery power. This is important, especially for the implementation of mobile computers. In addition, the CPU into a kind of hibernation and performs tasks only when the battery is recharged.
Is practically beyond that files - pictures, documents, bookmarks, or contacts - can ever save as on an external hard drive to a previous version if necessary recall.
Vulnerable to viruses and Trojans?
It comfortable for the user, is to work across devices with the same OS and the same operating environment, so vulnerable makes the compatibility, the system for attacks by viruses and Trojans. Microsoft is trying to keep the other hand having a permanently installed virus scanner.
In addition, the system removes malware before booting the PC. Thus, the pest can not even be active.
Prices Microsoft has not yet announced. The version for home users is likely to be to be had for 100 euros and the Pro version for 140 euros. Worthwhile upgrade should definitely for users of the weaker predecessor XP system and massive Vista.
In XP can only transfer personal files to Windows 8, also at Vista System Settings. Installed programs but only migrate when you upgrade from Windows 7 to 8 with the new system.
Total Windows 8 has to convince the test. Because of its lightness, its practical functions and innovative safety technology But who looks behind the new startup screen detected, not much new.
We therefore expect especially users of Windows 7 feel little reason to switch. Especially since Microsoft Windows 7 still supports up to January 2020. Then users can move on immediately to the new version probably 10 or 11.